The 5th WHL World Hypertension Congress was held from 13-15 May 2022 in two cities, Macau and Zhuhai. The head of the Congress is Dr. Xin-Hua Zhang, the president of World Hypertension League.
The present WHL call to action for Hypertension aims to stimulate all countries to adopt several solutions; in support to WHO/Hearts Program.
The WHL has three goals in Africa by 2030:

  1. 80% of adults with High blood pressure are to be diagnosed.
  2. 80% of diagnosed hypertensives are to be treated.
  3. 80% % of treated hypertensive patients are to be controlled.

As an intermediate step, by 2025 the current awareness, treatment and controlled rates are doubled. This would mean a shift from 27% to 54%. On Saturday 14 th at 9:30 am Sudan Time Session 7 of the Congress was held with the theme: Call to action for Hypertension Control in Africa.
The session was about implementation of the World Hypertension League WHL call to action for Hypertension in Africa. Prof Gianfranco presented the real critical situation in Africa regarding Hypertension , challenges n barriers of the existing initiatives and programs and showed the WHL expected solutions and the expectations of THe WHL Call to Action for Hypertension 2022.
Prof Olobi presented the strategies to solutions for Hypertension in Africa and the roles of the collaborators.
Dr. Hind Beheiry showed the current situation about Hypertension in Sudan and the Risk factors and challenges; based on knowledge and experience and the expected policies and roles of international and national collaborators to be played to control Hypertension.

Dr. Hind Beheiry’s presentation was entitled: Implementation of the Call to Action for Hypertension in Sudan.

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